Before & Afters from real life Clients
Before & Afters: Decluttered Spaces Together
(Children with Special Needs)

The first image shows a girl's bedroom with a cluttered closet and desk, where clothes has fallen on the floor, making it hard to find what she needs. After our decluttering and organizing session, the transformation is clear! The closet is now neat and tidy, with clothes hanging nicely, and the desk is organized and functional. A well-organized space not only looks great but also helps create a more peaceful and productive environment for your child. If you’re inspired by this transformation and ready to bring order to your child's room, I invite you to Schedule Your FREE Zoom Consultation today!

The first image shows a girl's bedroom cluttered with clothes, papers, and various items on the floor, bed, dresser, and chair as well. After our decluttering and organizing session, the transformation is clear! Clothes are neatly put away, papers are sorted and stored, and other items are organized and put away. The bed is now clear and inviting, ready for rest and relaxation. If you’re inspired by this transformation and ready to bring order to your child's room, I invite you to Schedule Your FREE Zoom Consultation today!

Before: Kids Playroom has toys everywhere. There is a chalkboard/easel in the foreground with toys and paper on the floor all around it. After: Kids Playroom is organized. Toys, books, and art supplies all have a home and are easy to get to. Larger toys like the play kitchen and dollhouse have a place where they can be stored but easily pulled out for playtime.

Before: Kids Bedroom and Playroom with furniture, clothes, books, and toys covering the floor. After: Kids Bedroom and Playroom with toys, clothes, and books all neat and tidy.

Before: Child's Bedroom with toy corner. The picture shows hats hanging on a wall, toys, books, and various items covering the floor. Based on the image, a person would not be able to walk through the area. After: Child's bedroom and toy corner are wholly organized with colorful storage drawers, bookcases, and storage with bins.

Before & Afters: Decluttered Spaces Together
(Adults with Special Needs)

The first image shows an office overwhelmed with paper clutter, with piles covering the tops of both desks, making the space unusable and stressful. During our decluttering and organizing session, the paper clutter was carefully sorted and organized, revealing clean, clear desks that now provide a functional and productive workspace for the family. The office is transformed into a place of order and efficiency, ready for work and creativity. If you’re ready to experience a change like this, I invite you to schedule your FREE consultation today!

Before: A kitchen pantry with overflowing shelves. It is hard to see what is on each shelf. The floor is crowded with a child's chair and a hamper. After: Pantry shelves are organized. The product is easy to see. The pantry looks less crowded and has room to add more stuff.

Before: Bedroom Closet with clothes and paper everywhere. Organizational tools are in place but not being used.

After: Bedroom Closet is using various shelving, bins, and racks to help maintain a useable closet. Wendy helped the client develop a process to maintain a stress-free area.

Before: Office Storage area is hard to use. There are boxes and organizational tools everywhere. There are obstacles in the way of getting to the main shelving unit.

After: Office Storage area is easy to use. No obstacles are in the way of getting to any area. All paper, tools, and supplies have been sorted and organized.
* These before and after photos are from a real life Special Needs Declutter, LLC client with permission. Due to the sensitivity of this topic matter and in consideration of the type of clients we serve, it is Special Needs Decluttering, LLC policy to display photos without any additional identifying details in order to maintain client privacy.